Mike’s Inc. Website has been Upgraded

Times are a’changin. Mike’s Inc. recently received a website makeover to expand and improve our communication with our customers.

While our old website was only accessible on traditional desktops and computers, our new site is also available on mobile devices. No need to sit at a home computer to access our contact information, nautical location, and other important assets. You can find our site on your phone while chugging down the river.

In addition, we have improved our site’s navigation to help you find the exactly what you need, when you need it. Learn more about our wide variety of services at our shipyard and FAB shop, located right on the Mississippi River.

And there are even more new features to come! In our effort to keep our customers well informed, we’re putting together some Frequently Asked Questions to save you the time you would normally spend calling us up with only a question or two. New customers will be pleased to hear we will soon be adding testimonials to our site. These testimonials will give solid evidence to a well known fact: Mike’s Inc. is the best one stop shop for all your shipyard repair and fabrication needs.

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